Other Publications

150 Years Ago Today – Going To War
Dr. Mark Randall submitted to New York’s Evening Sun news this piece about the 150th anniversary of the departure of the 114th Regiment as they departed Chenango for the Civil War.
Traveling with Children
This article was submitted by Dr. Mark Randall to Parent Life magazine in June of 2007. The article was born out of the author’s experience of traveling with two small boys on an international flight.

In Memoriam: The Most Wanted Man In Zimbabwe
A son remembers his father and his life’s work caring for the people of Zimbabwe.
Dr. Mark Randall shared his father’s life story in this article that was published in the Alumni Journal of Augusta University.
Read Dr. Randall’s article here.
The Christmas Elephant
Dr. Mark Randall shared this article as related to him by Doug Derbyshire. The article was written for the International Mission Board and was used in the 2011 Lottie Moon Christmas offering promotion.
Read Dr. Randall’s article here.